Influencing how Housing Associations in Wales are Regulated by Welsh Government 

Tenants Voices Cymru: Housing Association Regulation

Influencing how Housing Associations in Wales are Regulated by Welsh Government 

Are you interested in influencing the way Housing Associations in Wales are regulated or just want to find out more about the subject?

Housing Associations in Wales (also known as Registered Social Landlords or RSLs) are regulated by the Welsh Government to make sure they provide good quality homes and high quality and improving services to tenants and others who use their services. How regulation works is set out in in the Regulatory Framework for Housing Associations Registered in Wales.

The Welsh Government are now consulting on revisions to the Regulatory Standards which are a key part of the Regulatory Framework.

The Regulatory Standards are the standards which RSLs are required to comply with, and the regulator will use the standards to assess the extent to which each RSL can demonstrate the standards are being met. The Standards cover important areas such as services Tenants receive, and how landlords involve tenants.

Take a look through the consultation details in the document. Then, send us your thoughts using this form.  Then, please return the completed form to me at [email protected] by 4pm on Wednesday 5th March 2025