Net Zero Week - Changing homes together for a better Wales.

TPAS Cymru’s Annual Net Zero Week 2024

Changing homes together for a better Wales.
Monday – Friday: 17th - 21st June

What is it?

Net Zero Week is back for its exciting fourth year, ready to tackle the big topic of Net Zero in Welsh Social Housing. This time, we are bringing together everyone involved - tenants, staff, board members, and contractors - for five days packed with nine online sessions.

It's all about getting into the heart of NetZero, what is Affordable Warmth? Debating how it's going, sharing ideas. Exploring ways on some of the pressing issues surrounding Net Zero.

Who should attend?

Net Zero Week is for everyone! Tenants, staff, board members, contractors - we have got something for all of you. Our sessions cover a wide range of topics to match everyone's interests and roles. So, no matter who you are, you'll find something useful and interesting to take part in. Join us!

Why should I attend?  

If you have an interest in fuel poverty, sustainability, future living, tenant voice then you need to attend

Highlights include:

  • Get the latest Net Zero strategies from the Minister and Welsh Government.
  • Discover a wide range of best practices and real-world case studies.Participate in a special tenant-only session to voice your opinions and concerns.
  • In its 4th year, this week is always highly rated by attendees for its inspiring, informative sessions on what is happening in Wales creating affordable low carbon warmth for all.
  • With 9 sessions over the week, choose which sessions most interest you over the week
  • You will not be overwhelmed. We are TPAS Cymru, we want you on the journey, not scared of it.
  • With a low-cost group pass option, a wide range of staff and tenants can all benefit from attending not just the few.  


This dedicated themed week is held in partnership with Nesta.

Monday 17th June: Charting the Course: Wales' Net Zero Ambitions and the Road Ahead


9:40am – 11am: The BIG Picture

Dive into the opening session of Net Zero Week, featuring discussions led by key figures, including Cabinet Secretary, Julie James, on Wales' ambition to achieve Net Zero. This session will explore the critical role of the housing sector in transitioning to a low-carbon economy and its intersection with the cost-of-living crisis.
This is your opportunity to join in and envision a greener future. There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion with the panel.

We will also be joined by Andy Regan, Mission Manager - Sustainable Future Mission from Nesta.

Our Keynote Speaker for the Opening Session is Jan Rosenow. Jan is a Principal and Director of European Programmes at the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP), a global team of highly skilled energy experts. He sits on the board of the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee) and is a member of the Steering Committee of the Coalition for Energy Savings.

In recognition of his work within the field, Jan was named one of the world's top 25 energy and top 15 sustainability influencers by Onalytica and one of the 10 LinkedIn Top Green Voices in the UK.


2.00pm - 3.15pm: The Road to Net Zero Wales - ORP & WHQS

Join us for a session led by the Welsh Government, where we will focus on retrofitting Welsh homes, the ORP Program and road ahead. We will also cover the latest updates by WG's WHQS team for our steps towards Net Zero. A must-attend for anyone interested in the future of retrofitting housing in Wales, offering direct insights from those leading the change.

Our speakers include:

  1. Dann Dunning, ORP team, Welsh Government
  2. Darren Hatton, Head of Housing Standards, Welsh Government
  3. Andy Regan, Senior Mission Manager, Sustainable Future Mission, NESTA

Tuesday 18th June: Retrofit Challenges and Solutions

9.30am - 11 am: Retrofitting in Wales - Progress and Stories

Hear from leading experts on the frontlines of decarbonisation in Welsh housing to discuss their progress, insights, and the lessons they have learned along the way. It's a shared mission, and this session is all about pooling our experiences, from the successes to the setbacks. Join us to share in the knowledge that's moving us all forward.

Our speakers include:

  1. Owain Israel, Senior Asset Manager, Linc Cymru
  2. Steve Fanning, Capital Works, Flintshire CC
  3. Sion Hughes, Director of Policy and Delivery, Adra 

2.00pm - 3:30 pm: Retrofitting - What can we learn from England, Scotland & Beyond

Broaden your horizon and insight beyond Wales as we will hear from speakers in England and Scotland who are leading their own journeys to Net Zero. They will share their strategies, successes, and the hurdles they have faced, offering valuable insights that could be adapted in Wales. It's a unique chance to see how our neighbours are tackling similar challenges and what we can learn from them to accelerate our own progress towards Net Zero.

Our speakers include:

  1. Kathy Thomas, Acting Head of Communications, Northern Housing Consortium
  2. Dougie Wilson, Customer Services Manager, Dalmiur Park Housing Association
Wednesday 19th June: Balancing Affordability & Sustainability

9.30am - 11.00am: Could Energy bills be ZERO? Understand Zero Bills Home Concept

Achieving Net Zero will cost Wales several billion for the next decade or so. Tenants are rightly concerned about this, will it come to impact their rents and bills? Landlords are also concerned about the costs, what will have to be cut from budgets to pay for Net Zero? How we use, store, and move energy will be key. With help from experts, explore a range of models and how with the right solutions we can reimagine the tenant relationship with energy costs and fuel poverty with exciting new options.

Our speakers include:

  1. Andy Sutton, Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer, SERO
  2. Andy Regan, Senior Mission Manager, Sustainable Future Mission, NESTA

2.00pm - 3.30pm: How do we make Affordable Warmth ‘’Affordable?’’

So how is Net Zero paid for? Where is the money coming from? In this session we have lined up two people who have really spent time thinking about this and exploring options. Whilst it can be complex, they will demystify it and in understandable way, explore funding models, cost concerns, and the role of innovation and collaboration in achieving affordable warmth.

Our speakers include:

  1. Howard Topils, CEO, Tai Calon
  2. James OConnor, Director of Corporate Finance, POBL Group

Thursday 20th June: Decarbonising Our Communities

9.30am - 11.00am: Wider Net Zero

This session is all about decarbonising our wider communities, offering a glimpse into the innovative initiatives happening beyond housing. Explore the future landscape of Net Zero in wider communities. From reimagining transportation to revolutionising industries, we will explore diverse strategies shaping our sustainable future.

Our speakers include:

  1. Abi Beck, Communications Manager, Renewable UK Cymru
  2. Steph Robinson Founder, Criw Compostio
  3. Joe Rossiter – Co-Director, Institute of Welsh Affairs 

2.00 - 3.30pm: Future Fit - Training & Building Green Skills

As Welsh housing advances with innovative projects, skilled workers will be essential. This session would help you discover the exciting career opportunities emerging from the Net Zero transition and how your community could benefit. Our speakers will take you through their work in helping create opportunities for a more skilled and prosperous workforce in Wales.

Our speakers include

  1. Malcolm Davies, Senior Programme Manager - Housing Decarbonisation, Welsh Government
  2. Simon Ayers MBE, CEO, TrustMark
  3. Andrew Partington, Head of Partnerships, NetRet Group


Friday 21st June: Journey Together

9.30am - 10.30am: Final session: Tenants Network and Roundtable Discussion

This final session of our 2024 Net Zero is a chance for tenants to reflect, discuss and feedback. If you are a tenant, why not join us in this inclusive and engaging final discussion? We want to know your opinions, what you learned, what surprised you, and what you’re walking away from this week with.

This session will be our June Tenants Network, so don’t miss out!

Facilitators of this session are: Akshita Lakhiwal, TPAS Cymru and  Elenaor Speer, TPAS Cymru



Cost & booking details:

We are again offering a ‘Landlord Group pass’ for this event for £399* + VAT.

*This group pass enables all staff, tenants, board members or stakeholders from your organisation the opportunity to attend any of the sessions over the whole week.

Individual ticket price for all the sessions over the whole week will be £150 + VAT for housing staff and £80 + VAT for tenants.

The non-member rate is £220 + VAT.


Book your place on this Net Zero Week via this Zoom link: 

Please note – once you have booked using this link you will receive an email confirmation with the joining link direct from Zoom ([email protected]) The joining link does not come from a TPAS Cymru email address so you may need to check your spam/junk email boxes. This link can be used to attend any of the week's sessions apart from the last Tenants Network Roundtable session.

To book your free place on the Tenants-only Roundtable, use this Zoom link:


Terms & Conditions – for paid online events
  • All cancellations for paid events must be made by email to [email protected]  If you cancel your place less than 2 working days before the online event you will incur the full cost.
  • If you are unable to attend, you can send a substitute delegate at no extra cost.  All substitute delegates must be notified to [email protected]
  • If you fail to attend a paid, online sessions, you will be charged the full cost of attendance.
  • Once we have received your cancellation, we will forward you a confirmation of your cancellation.
  • For our paid events please note, one paid registration may only be used by one person, and the sharing of joining links /screens is prohibited. Therefore, each person attending this event must have a separate registration.
TPAS Cymru Right to Cancel

We aim to make sure that all online events run as planned. However, there may be times when, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have to cancel an event. Should this be the case we will give you as much notice as possible. If you have already paid for the cancelled event we will give you a full refund. Should we run the event again, we will give you priority



Event Information

Event Title

TPAS Cymru’s Annual Net Zero Week 2024


Monday 17 June 2024, 09:00 - Friday 21 June 2024, 16:00

Booking Available Until

Friday 14 June 2024

Event Type


Eligible for



Guest Speaker

Venue Information

Venue Name


Venue Address

Google Map Icon

Booking Guide

1. A link to an online booking form for the online event will have been provided. Please follow the link and complete the booking form.

Terms & Conditions – for paid online events
TPAS Cymru Right to Cancel

We aim to make sure that all online events run as planned. However, there may be times when, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have to cancel an event. Should this be the case we will give you as much notice as possible. If you have already paid for the cancelled event we will give you a full refund. Should we run the event again, we will give you priority