In light of a recent flurry of announcements regarding Housing Association mergers and collaborations, TPAS Cymru are offering 2 themed sessions under 1 booking!  

Tenant Voice in Housing Association Mergers Session 2


Session 1: 'What about tenants in Housing Association Mergers?'

Wednesday 31st January 2024   10.30am - 12.30pm 

Session 2:  Let’s discuss mergers in practice 

Tuesday 6th February 2024   10.30 - 12.30pm 


In light of a recent flurry of announcements regarding Housing Association mergers and collaborations, TPAS Cymru are offering 2 themed sessions under 1 booking!  

Session 1- 'What about tenants in Housing Association Mergers? '

In the first session, TPAS Cymru sets out the case for a tenant voice in mergers. We explore the 3-stage process (before/during/after) and show where tenants could and should be involved.  

We will take HA merger influence from other nations (in particular England),  the corporate world and lessons from stock transfer. We will challenge existing practice and demonstrate good practice. 

This session is not about the rights or wrongs of mergers, but focuses on the tenants; their voice, their input and the benefits and risks to them when board decide to take mergers forward. These sessions are suitable for anyone who recognises that tenants should be involved in merger or collaboration discussions, before they become a ‘done deal’. 

Even if your organisation is not considering a merger or collaboration at this stage these sessions will offer an opportunity to explore best practices around communicating with tenants about these important subjects. 

Session 2:  Let’s discuss mergers in practice

During this session you’ll have the opportunity to hear more about mergers in practice.  We’ve lined up four exciting and varied speakers:

  • Amanda Davies is CEO of Pobl since 2004 and has vast experience of Housing Management.   Amanda will share her thoughts on why mergers may need to be considered, the pros and cons of mergers to landlords and tenants, and the importance of involving tenants in the process from the outset.
  • Luke Takeuchi is CEO of RHA Wales and has worked in housing for over 20 years.  During this second session Luke will give his views on some of the reasons for mergers, the benefits and disadvantages and why tenants need to be central to any mergers.
  • David Smethurst is an Associate for TPAS England and a consultant for Involve 360. Dave will talk about: Common reasons for merger, the kind of consultation that is required and the areas that should be covered and regulatory expectations.  He will also give a practical example of a consultation process by 2 large landlords in England,
  • Ian Walters from Welsh Government will give a brief overview of the expectations of Welsh Government’s Regulation department in relation to Housing Association Mergers.

Note: Book once and get these 2 sessions as a joint ticket package. 

All you need to do is register once using this Zoom link which will work for both sessions:   


Who’s the session for?

Housing Association tenants, board members, senior managers, staff.

Cost per person (not group)
  • Staff/Board (members organisations): £99 + VAT
  • Staff/Board (non-member organisations): enquire via
  • Tenants: £49 + VAT
Things to know:
  • This is an online webinar via Zoom
  • The session will not be recorded
  • The delegate rate is for one person not a group booking – a charge will be made for each attendee: each attendee needs to register individually.

Terms & Conditions – for paid online events
  • All cancellations for paid events must be made by email to  If you cancel your place less than 2 working days before the online event you will incur the full cost.
  • If you are unable to attend, you can send a substitute delegate at no extra cost.  All substitute delegates must be notified to
  • If you fail to attend a paid, online sessions, you will be charged the full cost of attendance.
  • Once we have received your cancellation, we will forward you a confirmation of your cancellation.
  • For our paid events please note, one paid registration may only be used by one person, and the sharing of joining links /screens is prohibited. Therefore, each person attending this event must have a separate registration.
TPAS Cymru Right to Cancel
We aim to make sure that all online events run as planned. However, there may be times when, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have to cancel an event. Should this be the case we will give you as much notice as possible. If you have already paid for the cancelled event we will give you a full refund. Should we run the event again, we will give you priority



Event Information

Event Title

Tenant Voice in Housing Association Mergers Session 2


Tuesday 06 February 2024, 10:30 - 12:30

Booking Available Until

Monday 29 January 2024

Early Bird Booking Available Until

Event Type

Training – online

Eligible for



David Wilton

Venue Information

Venue Name


Venue Address

Google Map Icon

Booking Guide

1. A link to an online booking form for the online event will have been provided. Please follow the link and complete the booking form.