Thursday 24th October 2024 – 10 – 11:45am
When tenants influence how landlords operate, we see a greater focus on core purpose and a more authentic approach to delivering frontline services. So how can you get this right and get the assurance that the voice of tenants is at the heart of your strategic decision-making?
Our NEW governance support event is dedicated to exploring how you can develop stronger connections between boards and tenants to support board assurance, influence strategic decision-making and to help drive a tenant focussed culture.
Be part of this exciting new session where you will hear from a range of expert speakers and find out about good practice from across the UK.
There will also be an opportunity to share practice and approaches, to explore what’s working, what’s missing and what will make a real difference to governance and your tenants.
If you’ve got this sussed already come along and share your tips. If you’re not sure you’ve got it right come along and find out more.
During this session we will focus on the following:
Understanding the current sector and policy drivers for creating stronger connections, including regulatory expectations.
Explore how to effectively hear the tenant voice in your boardroom
How to include the tenant perspective in your board discussions and strategic decision making
Examine what needs to be in place to create the right culture and relationships.
Confirmed Speakers include:
Ceri Victory-Rowe – Director, Campbell Tickell
Ceri specialises in governance and regulation and her work. As well as providing extensive support and advice to individual organisations, Ceri carries out sector-wide assignments including supporting Welsh Government to review the Regulatory Assessment Model for the Welsh social housing sector
Julie Butterworth, Head of Consultancy, TPAS (England)
Julie will showcase the latest findings from their collaborative shared learning programme - ‘Collaborate: Tenant Influence in boards and governance’. The programme focussed on analysing information and sharing best practice in ensuring the tenant voice is influencing strategic decision-making and supporting good governance. It also looked at how board members can seek assurance that they are enabling tenant voices to influence services and decisions made.
Afshan Iqbal, Project Manager, Pathway to Board
Afshan is Project Manager for the Pathway to Board project which is helping to change the face of housing leadership across Wales. Afshan will share how introducing and hearing the lived experiences of a diverse range of Tenants voices at board level is beneficial to everyone. Also, how their contribution should influence and change how organisations make decisions that affect our Tenants and their communities.
Ian Walters, Head of Regulation Strategy & Policy at Welsh Government
Ian will provide an overview of expectations around Boards hearing the tenant voice and provide an update on their review the Regulatory Assessment Model for the Welsh social housing sector and what this means for Boards and Tenants
Who’s the session for? – this session is suitable for board members, exec teams, Tenants and staff with responsibility for related areas such as: governance and tenant engagement.
This event is kindly sponsored by:

Tenants: FREE
Staff/Board (members organisations): £39 + VAT
Staff/Board (non-member organisations): £89 + VAT
Things to know:
This is an online webinar via Zoom
Book your place via this Zoom link
Terms & Conditions – for paid online events
All cancellations for paid events must be made by email to [email protected] If you cancel your place less than 2 working days before the online event you will incur the full cost.
If you are unable to attend, you can send a substitute delegate at no extra cost. All substitute delegates must be notified to [email protected]
If you fail to attend a paid, online sessions, you will be charged the full cost of attendance.
Once we have received your cancellation, we will forward you a confirmation of your cancellation.
For our paid events please note, one paid registration may only be used by one person, and the sharing of joining links /screens is prohibited. Therefore, each person attending this event must have a separate registration.
TPAS Cymru Right to Cancel
We aim to make sure that all online events run as planned. However, there may be times when, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have to cancel an event. Should this be the case we will give you as much notice as possible. If you have already paid for the cancelled event we will give you a full refund. Should we run the event again, we will give you priority
Event Information
Event Title
Tenant Voice in Boards and Governance: have you got it right?
Thursday 24 October 2024, 10:00 - 11:45
Booking Available Until
Wednesday 23 October 2024
Early Bird Booking Available Until
Event Type
Online workshop
Eligible for
Members: £0.00+ VAT
Non-Members: £0.00 + VAT
Guest Speaker
Venue Information
Venue Name
Venue Address