Join us for this online session to give us your feedback on WG's proposed revisions to the Regulatory Standards 

Influencing how Housing Associations in Wales are Regulated by Welsh Government

Tuesday 4th March: 1.00pm – 2.30pm

Welsh Government are now consulting on revisions to the Regulatory Standards which are a key part of the Regulatory Framework .

The Regulatory Standards are the standards which RSLs are required to comply with, and the regulator will use these standards to assess the extent to which each RSL can demonstrate the standards are being met. The Standards cover important areas such as services Tenants receive, and how landlords involve Tenants.

To help feed-in the views of our members, we have arranged this network for staff working in Housing Associations so that we can share the details of the proposed changes and what they aim to achieve. 

Please note - the session will focus on those Standards  which relate to Tenant Engagement


We hope you will be able to join us for this online session – so that you can give us your feedback on the proposals.

Who should attend? Staff

Cost: Free of charge for Staff

Book your place via this Zoom link

Please note – once you have booked using this link you will receive an email confirmation with the joining link direct from Zoom ([email protected]) The joining link does not come from a TPAS Cymru email address so you may need to check your spam/junk email boxes. The email with joining link also gives you the opportunity to save the details to an electronic calendar, such as Outlook.

TPAS Cymru Right to Cancel

We aim to make sure that all online events run as planned. However, there may be times when, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have to cancel an event. Should this be the case we will give you as much notice as possible. If you have already paid for the cancelled event we will give you a full refund. Should we run the event again, we will give you priority.

Event Information

Event Title

Influencing how Housing Associations in Wales are Regulated by Welsh Government


Tuesday 04 March 2025, 13:00 - 14:30

Booking Available Until

Tuesday 04 March 2025

Early Bird Booking Available Until

Event Type

Staff Network

Eligible for



Guest Speaker

Venue Information

Venue Name


Venue Address

Google Map Icon

Booking Guide

1. A link to an online booking form for the online event will have been provided. Please follow the link and complete the booking form.