This free of charge informal and informative event is for north Wales staff and tenants and is exclusively for our TPAS Cymru members

Homes and Communities North Wales – ½ day conference

Tuesday 7th March 2023: 9.30am (for 10 am start) – 1pm

Venue Cymru, Llandudno

We’re excited to announce that our Homes and Communities - North Wales half-day conference will be held at Venue Cymru on 7th March.

This free of charge informal and informative event is for staff and tenants and is exclusively for our TPAS Cymru members. It will be a fantastic opportunity to hear from a range of thought provoking and informative speakers about what’s happening in north Wales communities and housing. It will also give you an opportunity to network with attendees from social landlords across the region. We look forward to seeing you there!

Our speakers are… 

The North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner - Andy Dunbobbin - The Police and Crime Commissioner for north Wales will talk about his role & responsibilities and the key areas the local Police force will be expected to deliver on.

Warm Wales - Joanna Seymour -  Jo from Warm Wales will be sharing information about current projects taking place in north Wales, aimed to help empower and enable residents to reduce their energy bills to reduce the likelihood of fuel poverty, and to enable and encourage them to improve their health and wellbeing.

Mabon ap Gwynfor – MS, Chair of the Cross-Party Group on Housing, and member of the Local Government Housing Committee.    Mabon will be sharing his thoughts on housing in north Wales and giving an overview of his role and responsibility as a member of the local government housing committee.

Lucy Powell will be talking about Outside Lives and why she gave up her role as a social worker to create the organisation. Outside Lives uses a ‘whole community’ approach when working with residents: re-generating communities through co-production and allowing the people to lead the process.Lucy will also talk about new initiatives and what’s on the horizon for Outside Lives

Please note: Numbers for this conference will be limited so, to ensure there are places for all our members, we are initially, allowing 3 members of staff and 3 tenants from each Landlord member to book places.  These places will be on a first come, first serve basis: if we have any spare spaces nearer the date of the event we will re-advertise them.  Please download, complete and return this booking form to [email protected] by the closing date of 20th February.

Lunch will not be provided at this half day event.  Also, please ask for permission from your Landlord if you’re wanting to claim travel expenses to this event.

Event Information

Event Title

Homes and Communities North Wales – ½ day conference


Tuesday 07 March 2023, 09:30 - 13:00

Booking Available Until

Monday 20 February 2023

Early Bird Booking Available Until

Event Type

Information and insight

Eligible for



Guest Speaker

Venue Information

Venue Name

Venue Cymru

Venue Address

The Promenade
Penrhyn Crescent
LL30 1BB

01492 872000

Google Map Icon

Email Address

The online booking for this event has closed. To book this event, please call us on 029 2023 7303 or 01492 593046

Booking Guide

1. Enter your Name and E-mail address, and select the amount of tickets you would like to book, then click 'continue booking'.

2. If you are booking 1 ticket, enter your details and click "Save and Confirm Booking". You will then see your details in an orange box at the bottom.

3. If you have selected more than 1 ticket, add the first attendee’s information as in step 2, click "Save and Confirm Booking" and scroll back up to enter your second attendee. Repeat Step 3 until all your attendees have been added.

4. Once you have added all the attendees information, you will notice the "Add Delegate" button at the bottom change to "Save and Confirm Booking". Once you have clicked this button, you will see a green "success" box on screen, and you will receive an emailed confirmation that your booking has been successful.

5. Payment for the event may be made via BACs, or TPAS Cymru will issue an invoice after the event has taken place.

If there are any issues with your booking, please feel free to call us on 02920 237303 or 01492 593046