Wednesday 7th June 2023: 11.00am – 12.30pm
As Housing Associations and local authorities face significant pressures, the importance of investing in complaint handling services and learning from complaints is vital to help maintain effective services.
How can social landlords embed a robust complaint handling procedure which will maintain and improve tenant satisfaction during challenging times?
Join us for our annual Complaint Handling themed webinar where you will be able to hear directly from the Public Service Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW). We will also be joined by two speakers from leading social landlords who will be sharing their insight and best practice about dealing with complaints.
Hear from Michelle Morris who has been in post as the Public Services Ombudsman in Wales since 1st April 2022 – find out about the role of the Public Services Ombudsman office that has legal powers to investigate complaints about public services in Wales, including social housing.
Ian Marriott Performance And Complaints Improvement Manager from the Housing and Transformation Team will be talking about how complaints handling is dealt with by Hackney Council. Ian will share insight into stopping complaints at the root and embedding the learning from complaints to improve performance.

Cath Pullin Head of Customer Experience from Alliance Housing will also be sharing her experience of how to transform the customer services through the effective handling of complaints.
Who should attend?
This event is suitable for tenants, staff, Board members and Local Authority members interested in hearing about best practice and experience in complaint handling
Tenants: Free of charge
Staff (TPAS Cymru members): £59+VAT
Non Members: £99+VAT
Things to know:
This is an online webinar via Zoom
The session will not be recorded
Book your place via this Zoom link:
Cancellation Policy – for paid online events
All cancellations for paid events must be made by email to [email protected] If you cancel your place less than 2 working days before the online event you will incur the full cost.
If you are unable to attend, you can send a substitute delegate at no extra cost. All substitute delegates must be notified to [email protected]
If you fail to attend a paid, online sessions, you will be charged the full cost of attendance.
Once we have received your cancellation, we will forward you a confirmation of your cancellation.
For our paid events please note, one paid registration may only be used by one person, and the sharing of joining links /screens is prohibited. Therefore, each person attending this event must have a separate registration.
TPAS Cymru Right to Cancel
We aim to make sure that all online events run as planned. However, there may be times when, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have to cancel an event. Should this be the case we will give you as much notice as possible. If you have already paid for the cancelled event we will give you a full refund. Should we run the event again, we will give you priority
Event Information
Event Title
Effective Complaint Handling in Housing
Wednesday 07 June 2023, 11:00 - 12:30
Booking Available Until
Friday 02 June 2023
Early Bird Booking Available Until
Event Type
Information and insight
Eligible for
Members: £0.00+ VAT
Non-Members: £0.00 + VAT
Guest Speaker
Venue Information
Venue Name
Venue Address