This session is the first in potential series of 5 different sessions over next 12months, where we look at differences in housing in home nations and wider and ask you for your opinion.

Does Wales need a Housing Charter like Scotland?

Tuesday 3rd September:  12pm – 1.15pm

12 years ago, the Scottish Housing Regulator working with tenants and social landlords launched a Social Housing Charter. The Charter has 16 standards/measurements that landlords must operate to. It covers some important key issues about transparency, rent setting and engagement.  It also covers Local Authority Housing.

Wales does not have a similar Charter, but some in Welsh Housing argue some of the Charter rights or measurements are covered across a number of Welsh regulatory standards or legislation.  

At TPAS Cymru, we felt it was time to look at this subject and ask you ‘Does Wales need something similar?’

We have been working with a Research and Policy Associate called Katherine and she has looked at this subject with TPAS Cymru. She’s probed, and examined lots of lengthy documents so you don’t have to, plus interviewed key stakeholders inc Scottish tenants, the Scottish Regulator, TPAS Scotland, the Scottish Local Government body, as well as stakeholders in Wales.

Katherine and TPAS Cymru would like to invite you to this free online session to discuss the findings and how the Charter lines up with Wales.  We want your thoughts on the findings and whether you think Wales has it already covered or not, and help us on the question of do we need or don’t need a Welsh Charter?

This Session is for anyone.  We will keep it simple, and we will not drown you in regulation jargon

Note: This session is the first in potential series of 5 different sessions over next 12months, where we look at differences in housing in home nations and wider and ask you for your opinion. Those subjects that gain tenant interest may go forward as campaigns.  

Cost:  FREE for TPAS Cymru members and invited guests

Things to know:
  • This is an online webinar via Zoom
  • The session will be recorded

Book your place via this Zoom link

Event Information

Event Title

Does Wales need a Housing Charter like Scotland?


Tuesday 03 September 2024, 12:00 - 13:15

Booking Available Until

Tuesday 03 September 2024

Early Bird Booking Available Until

Event Type


Eligible for



Guest Speaker

Venue Information

Venue Name


Venue Address

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Booking Guide

1. A link to an online booking form for the online event will have been provided. Please follow the link and complete the booking form.