The Autumn TPAS Cymru and Tai Pawb Disability Network will be focusing on the work of the Hafod Physical Adaptations Panel

Disability Network: October

Wednesday 16th October 2024: 10.30am – 12pm

The Autumn TPAS Cymru and Tai Pawb Disability Network will be focusing on the work of the Hafod Physical Adaptations Panel.  Hear about the collaborative and transparent approach taken by Hafod to ensure that every tenant's voice is heard and valued and how the customer involvement has directly influenced the improvement of services in the review process for refused applications for physical adaptations in homes.

There will also be an opportunity to hear the latest updates on disability and housing issues/policies and a chance for some networking!

If you’ve not attended one of our networks before please join us: there will be a warm welcome.

Who should attend?

Tenants and staff who have an interest in disability issues in social housing.


Free of charge for TPAS Cymru or Tai Pawb members

Things to know:
  • This is an online workshop via Zoom
  • The session will not be recorded

Book your place via this Zoom link


Event Information

Event Title

Disability Network: October


Wednesday 16 October 2024, 10:30 - 12:00

Booking Available Until

Monday 14 October 2024

Early Bird Booking Available Until

Event Type


Eligible for



Guest Speaker

Venue Information

Venue Name


Venue Address

Google Map Icon

Booking Guide

1. A link to an online booking form for the online event will have been provided. Please follow the link and complete the booking form.