Tuesday, 7th February, 10am-3:15pm
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Net Zero in housing is more than just heat pumps, solar panels, or batteries. It’s about community. Though it can seem daunting, there are opportunities that you can take every day to be more sustainable, which can in turn help the planet and your wallet.
In housing, there is a lot of focus right now on how to tackle carbon emissions in our homes and same time reduce our energy costs, but what about your community? What changes do we need to make in our communities to reduce our carbon footprint, but also make it a better place to live.
We’ve arranged three exciting online panel sessions (with good breaks in-between!) that will work together to challenge, inform and answer questions about Net Zero communities and how we reduce overall carbon emissions in Wales.
This one day only event will expand the focus from your home to your community.
‘Community Energy in Wales: Can it work in social housing?’ 10am-11:15pm
Community energy refers to the delivery of community-led renewable energy, reduction of energy demand, and energy supply. But what does that really mean?
This year we’ve seen a lack of independence in our energy use and costs, but community energy could help resolve this issue. Community energy focuses on just that, the community, and can help provide accountability and transparency in the energy system.
While community energy is not yet seen in social housing in Wales, this panel will work to answer your questions on community energy and how it could play a role in energy systems and consumption for social landlords and tenants.
Speakers include:
Cllr Jeremy Thorp – Community Energy Wales
Tony Cook – Director at Cardiff Community Energy
Meleri Davies, Chief Officer, Partneriaeth Ogwen
‘Circular Economy: How Wales is implementing reduce, reuse, recycle’ 11:45pm-1pm
Circular economy may seem finance-related at first glance, but it’s the exciting principles in keeping people shopping, producing, and reusing locally. Carbon footprints can be made huge by communities who are constantly importing, exporting, and focusing on fast consumerism. Circular economy works to reduce this footprint, which saves you money, improves local economies and the impact on the environment.
This session will highlight some organisation’s that are making real difference in their community and offer hope, direction, and resources on why a circular economy is important.
Speakers include:
Ella Smillie – Benthyg Cymru
Hayley Roberts – RE:MAKE Newport
Catrin Wager - Benthyg Cymru
‘The Reality of Electric Vehicles in Wales’ 2pm-3:15pm
Many advertisements for electric vehicles show being charged on wide and spacious home drives with Tesla’s parked out in the sunshine. While this may be the reality for some homes in say California or Florida, Wales has a bit of a different picture with terraces streets, blocks of flats and lots of rain!
We constantly hear of a push to electrify our cars, but what is the reality of this challenge? Where will people charge their cars if they can’t charge them at home? Do landlords implement communal charging points? When will we see a bigger push for electric vehicles? This panel will dive into the present and future of electric vehicles in Wales, and what it means for you.
Speakers include:
Neil Lewis – TrydaNi (community EV charging network)
Please note – places are limited for this webinar so early booking is advised.
Who should attend?
The session is suitable for – staff, contractors, tenants and all those with an interest in engaging tenants in Net Zero/retrofit.
Cost for the entire day event
Tenants/Community Volunteers: Free
Staff/Board (members organisations): £49 + VAT
Staff/Board (non-member organisations): £59 + VAT
Things to know:
This is an online webinar via Zoom
These sessions will be recorded
Book your place via this Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sc-2pqzwtG9QEY3lWzHsMiiwoesenx3of
Please note – once you have booked using this link you will receive an email confirmation with the joining link direct from Zoom ([email protected]) The joining link does not come from a TPAS Cymru email address so you may need to check your spam/junk email boxes. The email with joining link also gives you the opportunity to save the details to an electronic calendar, such as Outlook
Cancellation Policy – for paid online events
All cancellations for paid events must be made by email to [email protected] If you cancel your place less than 2 working days before the online event you will incur the full cost.
If you are unable to attend, you can send a substitute delegate at no extra cost. All substitute delegates must be notified to [email protected]
If you fail to attend a paid, online sessions, you will be charged the full cost of attendance.
Once we have received your cancellation, we will forward you a confirmation of your cancellation.
For our paid events please note, one paid registration may only be used by one person, and the sharing of joining links /screens is prohibited. Therefore, each person attending this event must have a separate registration.
TPAS Cymru Right to Cancel
We aim to make sure that all online events run as planned. However, there may be times when, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have to cancel an event. Should this be the case we will give you as much notice as possible. If you have already paid for the cancelled event we will give you a full refund. Should we run the event again, we will give you priority
Event Information
Event Title
Creating Sustainable Communities for a Net Zero Future
Tuesday 07 February 2023, 10:00 - 15:15
Booking Available Until
Monday 06 February 2023
Event Type
Information and insight
Eligible for
Members: £0.00+ VAT
Non-Members: £0.00 + VAT
Guest Speaker
Venue Information
Venue Name
Venue Address