TPAS Cymru statement on the publication of the final report into the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

TPAS Cymru statement on the publication of the final report into the Grenfell Tower tragedy 

4th September 2024

Today’s publication of the lengthy investigation into the events leading up to and following the Grenfell Tower fire clearly shows a catalogue of failures and incompetency.   The report is damming in its criticism of multiple organisations, individuals and agencies and is a welcome publication in the ongoing quest for justice for the 72 lives which were claimed

This comprehensive report reveals the failures that led to the tragedy and offers critical recommendations for preventing such a disaster from happening again.

This tragedy should never have happened and was entirely preventable. The report provides a much-needed detailed analysis of the systemic issues in building safety, regulation, and tenant engagement that contributed to it.

The report highlights 2 key facts surrounding the tragedy.

  1. Every death was avoidable. Grenfell should not have happened if tenants were listened to.
  2. As tenant engagement was seen as an ‘add-on’ and not a priority, this led to a delay of action that the report has shown, went back to the first warnings from tenants in 2009.

Sir Martin Moore-Bick, Chair of the Independent Inquiry, outlined a ‘systemic dishonesty’ relating to the tragedy, a chronic failure of leadership teamed with an attitude of complacency from management.


TPAS Cymru’s Response:

David Wilton, Chief Executive of TPAS Cymru, issued the following statement in response to the report’s findings:

“The Grenfell Tower tragedy was not just a failure of building safety, but a failure of our housing system to protect and value tenants' lives. The Independent Inquiry’s final report does not shy away from showing the devastating consequence of tenant voices being ignored and where profit and weak regulation and standards eclipse basic building safety.

“I encourage everyone involved in Housing to read this report and get angry.  Use that anger to demand change and ensure people and organisations are held accountable for their failures”

 “TPAS Cymru stands with the survivors and the bereaved families in demanding justice and meaningful change. We welcome the recommendations and urge all landlords and policymakers in Wales to study and implement these changes without delay to ensure a similar tragedy can never happen here. Grenfell must be a turning point for tenant rights and building safety in Wales. Most importantly, we must remember that every tenant's voice must be heard.”


Amanda Lawrence, Tenant and Vice Chair of the TPAS Cymru Board, issued the following statement in response to the report:

“A key point this report raises concerns the importance of including tenant and resident voices in housing services. These voices are vital to ensuring fair treatment and safe and healthy homes for all. Both the Grenfell tragedy and the death of Awaab Ishak highlight that when this does not happen, lives are at stake.

Housing is a basic human right and should not be a political weapon. Money, power and politics were the drivers in the decisions made here and not the safety and concern of tenants. Social housing is there to protect the most vulnerable in our society, and this report shows that the actions of the council have done the opposite. “

TPAS Cymru would like to thank all of the tenants, families and professionals for their time and bravery when providing evidence to this inquiry and sharing their accounts. We stand in solidarity with you.



TPAS Cymru has supported tenants and landlords in Wales for over 35 years. We work across Wales to enable tenant voices in shaping housing services and the communities around them.  Tenant voice and participation is vital in creating better and safer housing.


For further comments, please get in touch with Eleanor Speer, Engagement and Communications Officer at TPAS Cymru, at [email protected] or +44 7896871164