Are you a tenant renting in Wales?
We are excited to launch our last Tenant Pulse survey of 2023 – our third All-Wales Annual Tenant Survey. This short survey is less than 5mins to do and will explore tenants’ views on their homes, communities and experiences that really matter to them.
We know that the findings and recommendations of our Tenant Pulse surveys offer valuable insight and information into the challenges and experiences of tenants right now, during a challenging time financially for all.
We need your voice right now to be heard. We will take the finding and recommendations and press them over the next year to Government officials, housing sector stakeholders and poicy makers
If you are a tenant in Wales, make sure your views are heard by completing the survey here.
Note: Tenant Pulse is the official Wales-wide panel for tenants to give their views on the things that matter to them. It was created by TPAS Cymru 5 years ago and supported by the Welsh Government. It’s run regularly on different topical issues to help shape and transform housing policy in Wales. Tenant Pulse covers tenants of both social housing (Housing Associations and Council housing) along with private renters and those in supported housing.
Interested? If you are a tenant in Wales, why not click here join our Tenant Pulse mailing list and make sure your voice is heard in future surveys?
TPAS Cymru would like to thank all of the tenants who dedicated their time to complete the survey. Your voice really matters and we truly appreciate your time.
Tenant Pulse is a part of our Tenant Voice work sponsored by .png)