Tenant Voice on Covid -19 Phase 3
Tenant Pulse is the official Wales-wide panel of tenants giving their views on the things that matter right to them. It is created by TPAS Cymru with support from Welsh Government. It covers tenants of both Social housing (Housing Associations and Council housing) plus Private Renters including students and those in Supported Housing. If you are a tenant why not learn more about Tenant Pulse
Phase 1: In April 2020, the first 2 weeks of ‘lockdown’ we conducted a Wales-wide survey, asking tenants for their initial thoughts & concerns regarding Covid-19 pandemic. The published report highlighted people's concerns about health, access to shopping supplies, where they were getting information from and what type of support they wanted from their landlord.
Phase 2: In May 2020, we conducted a second Wales -wide survey. As lockdown continues in Wales, despite seeing a phased removal of restrictions in England, we wanted to understand how tenants in Wales were feeling and their current attitude & needs. The published report can be found here.
Phase 3: 6 months on and the Covid-19 pandemic still influencing all of our lives, we conducted a third Wales-wide survey to understand the needs of tenants and to see if there were any changes to have occurred over this time period. The published report can be found here.
TPAS Cymru would like to thank all of the tenants who dedicated their time to complete the surveys. We truly appreciate your time and to show that gratitude, we are going to enter all tenants who completed the surveys into a Christmas prize draw for a voucher worth £100. If you do not wish to be entered, please email [email protected] and let us know
Tenant Pulse is part of our Tenant Voice work sponsored by the Pobl Group