Our third annual Tenant Pulse on Rent Setting, Service Charges and Affordability is now live!
Our most recent Tenant Pulse of 2024, our survey on Rent, Service Charges and Affordability, focuses on the need for more transparency in social housing in Wales. We heard the voices of tenants from across Wales, and we are now pleased to be able to publish our report to the public with our insights.
This Tenant Pulse Report provides insight into the perceptions, attitudes, and experiences of tenants across Wales. It reflects the voices of tenants from all areas of Wales and from a wide range of backgrounds.
Tenant Pulse is the official Wales-wide panel for tenants giving their views on the things that matter right to them. It was founded in 2017 by TPAS Cymru (under a programme of work supported by Welsh Government).
It’s run quarterly on topical issues to help shape housing policy in Wales. It covers tenants of both social housing (Housing Associations and Local Authority housing) plus private renters and those in supported housing.
If you are a tenant, why not join our Tenant Pulse panel and have your say? Join here.
Report name: Rent, Service Charges and Affordability – The need for more transparency
This is the link to the full report
This is the link to the executive summary
To view the press release on this Tenant Pulse survey, click here
The slides from the launch event can be found here
The recording of the launch event can be found here
Authors: Elizabeth Taylor, David Wilton, Eleanor Speer
Congratulations to the winners of the prize draw for this Pulse survey. The winners are:
John – A Local Authority Tenant from Flintshire
Marianne – A Housing Association tenant
To read tenant comments on this report, click here.
TPAS Cymru would like to thank all of the tenants who dedicated their time to complete the surveys and to our housing colleagues for their support. We truly appreciate your time.
Tenant Pulse is part of our Tenant Voice work sponsored by: