A Call for Transparency – Voluntary Flood Risk Disclosure
Today (12th February) we have written to the Chief Executives of every Housing Association in Wales, along with the Senior Leaders in Local Authorities which still retain homes. We have called for a change in policy following the urgent concern raised by tenants in the aftermath of the devastating floods faced by communities in Wales in late 2024 and early 2025.
This follows work we carried out in late 2024 to highlight the devastating impact of flooding on tenants and the urgent need for greater transparency in this area. Link: Flooding, tenants and the need for transparency
A key concern raised by tenants is the lack of information about the flood history of the homes they move into. Under current policy, landlords are not required to disclose whether a property has previously flooded. As a result, many tenants have suffered significant damage to their property, unaware that they could have taken steps to better protect their homes.
We are encouraged by Trivallis, one of South Wales’ largest social landlords, which has already committed to voluntarily disclosing a property’s flood history to new tenants. This is a proactive and responsible approach to tenant engagement, and we strongly urge all social landlords in Wales to follow suit.
That is why we have written to all social landlords, calling on them to voluntarily review and amend their policies to ensure tenants are informed about any history of flooding in their homes.
📄 Read our full letter to the sector in English: [here]
📄 Darllenwch ein llythyr yn Gymraeg: [yma]
This letter amplifies the voices of tenants on this critical issue and advocates for a more transparent, tenant-focused approach to housing.
We will keep you updated on this important topic and the response we receive.
If you would like to get in touch following about this letter, please email [email protected]