For under £5k, your community could have an amazing community asset

How to install a drinking water fountain for under £5k

Why install a water fountain/ refill station? 


I've been a Committee Member/Trustee of the registered charity 'The Friends of Belle Vue Park, Penarth' on and off for many years,  and many of us were dismayed at the volume of plastic bottle waste in our park.  In 2014, we decided to build a new accessible drinking water fountain with an additional bottle refill point.

It has been a great success, and consequently, my local authority (Vale of Glamorgan) has begun to roll this design in other parks.
I also noticed there is now (2020) a similar one on Aberystwyth seafront - perfect for a hot day at beach. 

Here is a short document that you should read

It takes you through the costs, challenges and technical points on how to get a fantastic drinking water fountain - bought and installed for under £5k.

Note: Its been updated in 2019 and 2020 with new information, and costs.  


Are you involved with a project to install drinking water fountains?  Let us know. 

David Wilton, Chief Executive, TPAS Cymru 

Other articles in the news. Will Cardiff install drinking water fountains?

Below are children enjoying our fountain in this Penarth park

Drinking Water fountain at Belle Vue Park, Penarth, Wales


see need to see them everywhere. Cinerma used by Rhondda Housing AGM