David chats to Ross Thomas, Policy & Public Affairs Manager at Tai Pawb, about LGBTQ+ History month and finds out about some of the housing related issues faced by the LGBTQ+ community.
Follow up message from Ross:
Since the filming of this video, we have seen the conviction of Dr Gary Jenkins’ assailants in Cardiff following his horrific murder. It has turned a spotlight on hate crime and that some LGBT+ people feel unsafe (“going backwards” is a phrase I’ve heard used) – but in hosting the vigil following this conviction, it shows as well that there is a determination among the community – allies included – that people can come together and say “No!”
The hard-fought wins aside, that isn’t to say at all that LGBT+ people don’t face barriers; far from it.
A quick look at hate crime figures, anecdotal evidence of under-reporting of hate crime and some horrific stories that have appeared in the media and press in recent weeks and months whereby the motive for a crime has very clearly been prejudice. That an esteemed authority in a recent high profile murder case suggested the victim’s sexual orientation was partly to blame was all the more shocking. Moreover, a spotlight has been shone on our friends in the trans community in the last couple of years in particular on social media.
Hate and prejudice is very much alive, but it’s for us as decent human beings to call it out - challenge it - wherever we see.