Homelessness Allocations: what we can learn from tenants
Back in October 2023, Welsh Government asked for views on their proposals for changes to policy and law, to end homelessness in Wales. They consulted on the reform of existing core homelessness legislation, the role of Welsh public service in preventing homelessness, targeted proposals to prevent homelessness for those disproportionately affected, the access to housing and the implementation of the policy changes.
Being the voice of tenant in Wales, TPAS Cymru were asked to ensure that the people impacted by these proposals get the opportunity to help shape it. We therefore launched a weeklong survey to tenants in social housing, comprising of 21 questions. Over 600 social housing tenants from all 22 local authority areas in Wales responded, sharing their opinions on the proposals set out in the White Paper.
The findings within this report highlight the following:
The Key Findings:
Priority for Homeless Individuals: Over half of respondents agreed that the people experiencing homelessness should be given priority for social housing. However, comments revealed a nuanced perspective, emphasising the need for individualised support, fairness and addressing the root causes of homelessness.
Needs-Based Allocation: There was a consensus on the importance of allocating social housing based on need, with priority for those who are homeless, have medical issues, or are living in unsuitable conditions.
Challenges in the Housing System: Respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the current housing system, highlighting overcrowding, under-occupied homes, and the need for comprehensive support.
Fairness and Transparency: Tenants called for fairness, transparency, and flexibility in housing allocation decisions, ensuring the needs of vulnerable people are met.
System Manipulation: The majority supported deprioritising individuals who manipulate the social housing system, emphasising the importance of fairness, accountability, and evidence-based decision-making.
Individualised Support: Respondents stressed the need for individualised support and tailored solutions for those experiencing homelessness, considering their unique circumstances and needs.
Preventative Measures: Long-term solutions and preventative measures were deemed necessary to address the root cause of homelessness, alongside providing immediate shelter.
Ethical Considerations: Prioritising housing for those experiencing homelessness was seen as a humanitarian act, emphasising compassion and societal responsibility.
Accountability: Tenants called for accountability in housing management, along with the provision of support services to help individuals rebuild their lives.
The findings and recommendations of the Tenant Pulse survey offer valuable insights into social housing allocations in Wales. TPAS Cymru believes that by listening to tenants and stakeholders, open, honest and transparent conversations can be fostered, leading to more inclusive and equitable housing policies.
A summary report can be found here
The full report can be found here
The slides from the Lauch event can be found here
The recording of the launch event can be found here
Lead author: Elizabeth Taylor
TPAS Cymru would like to thank all of the tenants who dedicated their time to complete the surveys. We truly appreciate your time.
Tenant Pulse is part of our Tenant Voice work sponsored by: .png)
The winners of this Prize Draw were:
Lorna – an Anglesey County Council tenant
Nigel – a Merthyr Valley Homes tenant