Are you a tenant or landlord in Wales? Have you heard of the Renting Homes Act 2022?
The Welsh Government have asked us to share the below survey with tenants and landlords across Wales. The answers from this survey will allow the Welsh Government to gain a better view of tenants’ understanding of the upcoming new law and see what changes need to be made in their communication.
Please read the message below from the Welsh Government and follow the link to complete the survey, which closes on Wednesday 19th October.

Introduction Text for September (Landlord and Tenant) Surveys
On 1 December 2022, housing law will change in Wales, with the implementation of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016. The Welsh Government wants to better understand landlords’ and tenants’ current knowledge of the new law and what the changes may mean for them. We would be extremely grateful if you could complete this short survey so we can ensure our communications regarding the change in law are as effective as possible.
The closing date for this survey is Wednesday 19 October.