Over the summer, TPAS Cymru has relaunched our 'Spotlight On' series in a new format.

A Spotlight on: Jack Slowinski


Over the summer, TPAS Cymru has relaunched our 'Spotlight On' series in a new format. In this series, we are celebrating some of the fantastic colleagues who help make the housing sector so special. Stay tuned us as we shine a light on the people behind the hard work and best practices that help our communities thrive and tenants feel heard and considered in housing policy.


Our next post in this series focuses on Jack Slowinski, Senior Tenant Participation Officer at Cardiff Council.


1.  What is my favourite thing about my job?

I love the variety of people involved in social housing. It is always great to meet new people and learn new things! 

2. What is one thing you would change about housing in Wales?

One thing that I would change about housing in Wales is to get neighbours speaking to each other more often. We all have more in common with each other than differences. 

3. How has housing changed since I started doing my role

Since I’ve started, housing has changed by focusing more on digital access to services. It's why digital inclusion is so important, as there are so many great resources online nowadays. 

4.What is a good way to ensure tenants or the public have their voice heard?

It is important to have as many lines of communication open so everyone can let their opinions be known. Its important that Tenants/Leaseholders can speak with confidence and that means making tenants/leaseholders as comfortable as possible when saying their bit! 

5. What inspires me to do what I do?

People inspire me to do my job. Its great being able to collect and pass on tenants and leaseholders opinions and watch them help council services evolve as as a result of their participation.