A busy few weeks at TPAS Cymru
It’s been a busy few weeks at TPAS Cymru! Recently, in just one week we:
Visited 5 member organisations
Attended meetings with Welsh Government and Careers Wales on Net Zero in housing
Spent time writing our Annual Survey report, which represents the voices of hundreds of tenants across Wales
Contributed to an event on how to engage with rural communities with our counterpart organisations across the UK (TPAS England, TPAS Scotland and Supporting Communities).
Alongside this, we also facilitated training on two important topics in housing for staff and tenants. This blog post will walk you through two case studies of the dozens of training sessions we run each year for our member organisations.
Merthyr Valley Homes – How to interpret housing data and develop effective questioning skills as tenants.
We ran a morning of training with a group of tenants from Merthyr Valley Homes who were looking to develop their skills surrounding scrutiny and questioning. Together, we looked at performance data in the Housing sector, some examples of data that a scrutiny panel may see and how tenants can interpret this to ask the questions and make sure their voice is heard.
We were thrilled to hear one tenants’ feedback on the session a few days later:
“That was a session I’m so glad I didn’t miss. So stimulating, informative and confidence building. Well done to all who participated. Good to meet David and Eleanor, hope to see them again. Thank You.”

Vale of Glamorgan County Council – Tenant Engagement in Vale Homes
Later this same week, we ran a series of training sessions for the Vale of Glamorgan County Council on Tenant Engagement in Vale Homes for the staff of the organisation. This training focused on supporting staff to develop an understanding of what Tenant Engagement is, the benefits and the importance of embedding it in their organisation. This training looked at the different forms of Tenant Engagement in their organisation and how it can be embedded further to champion Tenant Voice across Vale of Glamorgan homes.
Staff left feeling informed and on the same page regarding Tenant Engagement and excited to embed this into their work in 2023. We were happy to have some brilliant feedback from the session:
“TPAS Cymru delivered a number of sessions to the various teams within the Vale of Glamorgan Housing department – Helen’s style of delivery matched the audience, she was able to skilfully draw out discussions, respectfully challenge views ensuring healthy debate”
The two case studies above are only a snippet of the training sessions we facilitate over a year at TPAS Cymru but provide a taste of the topics we cover. Although, training is bespoke to each organisation and their interest.
If you or your organisation is looking at your 2023 calendar and would like to enquire about some possible training please get in touch by email - [email protected]