Health & Safety In Housing (Agenda Edition 1)
(subjects for Tenants Groups to discuss with their landlord)
View the Launch Video
Published: 28th September 2020
Background about the Agenda
Some tenant groups have asked us for topical agenda items/subject briefings for their tenant group to discuss with their landlord. TPAS Cymru have created a briefing series that we call ‘The Agenda’ which provides tenant groups with an overview of a subject and suggestions of questions you might want to ask in your engagement with your landlord. This briefing will focus on the following: Health and Safety in Housing
The Grenfell Tower fire led to the death of 72 people. A fire started in one flat as a result of a malfunctioning freezer and it spread at an incredibly rapid rate due to the highly flammable cladding covering the whole building. Following an inquiry to investigate the causes and other related issues, it was affirmed that; not only did the buildings exterior not comply with regulations, but residents had previously expressed significant safety concerns relating to lack of fire exits, lack of fire sprinklers etc.
Post Grenfell
The tragedy shook the nation and it made it extremely clear that there was much to be done, starting with the removal of ACM cladding (flammable). Welsh Government provided £3 million to replace ACM cladding on all RSL tower blocks. There is also a greater understanding of high-rise buildings in Wales, including evacuation plans and inspection of fire doors, internal signage, use of combustible materials. The inquiry (Hackitt Report) made recommendations of a future fire regulatory system so a buildings safety expert group discussed key issues, setting out a roadmap to safer buildings in Wales and priorities for the Welsh Governments future action.
Safety First in Housing
Community Housing Cymru partnered with WG to deliver ‘Safety First in Housing’ which is the first of its kind in the UK. It is a transparent approach to health and safety with residents, setting a minimum standard for the relationship between landlord and resident. This framework sets out eight commitments:
A process for relevant H+S info to be issued
Detail on how to access info on a property
Ensure info takes account of household needs
Clear process for raising concerns and complaints
Interactions monitored
Nurture awareness of H+S issues amongst staff
Outline resident responsibilities
Support to understand info
Primary Fire Authority Scheme
Last year, this scheme was launched. The scheme meant that RSLs could request expert advice directly from the Fire and Rescue service on matters regarding fire safety enforcement, legal issues, compliance and existing protocols. This will increase awareness and prioritisation of health and safety in the sector which will lead to risk reduction and measures that benefit tenants and the wider community. This scheme will also provide landlords with consistent fire regulation across all of the homes. The advice they are providing your landlords is by the primary fire authority and it helps businesses comply with law. The Primary Authority plays the role of a 'critical friend' rather than the traditional role of regulator; it identifies, develops, and delivers services that help the business to successfully grow and improve their goods and services. The Primary Authority works closely with the business to fully understand how the business operates and to understand its individual needs.
Questions for Tenant groups to ask:
Can you confirm you have signed up to CHC’s framework and who is personal responsible to leading/managing this commitment and workflow?
How are you implementing this framework?
What is your response to the framework?
How are you engaging with us as tenants?
How are you addressing safety for tenants and specific situations? (house, flat, disability)
What is your plan to develop the relationship with the wider tenant body?
How can you assure me about my safety in my home?
Welsh Government have released a position statement on building safety in Wales and they would love to hear your thoughts. Please follow this link to read the statement.